Primary school

After kindergarten the children move on to the local, publicly-funded primary school, which they attend for six years. Afterwards the secondary schools follows. There are three levels your child can attend based on the required achievement. This part takes three years to complete.

Address school office
Schuladministration Primarstufe
Hauptstrasse 12
4153 Reinach
Phone: +41 61 511 69 00

Address school management
Schulleitung Primarstufe
Hauptstrasse 12
4153 Reinach
Phone: +41 61 511 69 00

Opening hours school office
Monday to Friday: 7.30-11.30
Monday to Thursday afternoon: 1.30-4.30 pm
Closed during school holidays.

Opening hours school management
Monday to Friday: 8-12 am
Monday to Thursday afternoon: 1.30-5 pm
Closed during school holidays

Gemeinde Reinach
Hauptstrasse 10
4153 Reinach
Tel. 061 511 60 00

Opening hours Town Office
Monday to Thursday: 8-11.30 am
Friday: 8 am - 2 pm, open by appointment

Telephone switchboard
Monday to Thursday: 8-12 am / 1.30-5 pm
Friday: 8-12 am / 1.30-4 pm

Monday to Friday 8-11.30 am
and by appointment

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© Gemeinde Reinach 2024